

In this blog entry I will talk about the STEM teaching method Stem is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics . It is an area that continues to grow as graduates of these fields are in high demand in the labor market. The field has recorded a growth of 17% according to the Department of Commerce in the United States. There has been so much popularity of STEM areas in recent years that different aspects have begun to emerge: STEAM, for example, where the "A" is for the Arts, or ST2REAM where "T2" is for teaching or thematic instruction (in English), "R" for Reading and "A" for arts. Still, the premise remains the same, to have students learn about critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity, innovation, research, collaboration, and leadership. Currently 20% of jobs are based on STEM areas. In the United States alone, there are 26 million jobs in this area and it is estimated that they will continue to grow in the coming ...

What happens when you type "https.://www.google.com" in your browser and press "Enter"

  Day by day, we enter several web pages to consult information, to look for entertainment, to carry out some procedure, among other things. For most users, just typing an address in the address bar and having the browser show them the page, but actually, in the process, unnoticed by the user and within fractions of a second, the browser goes into contact with servers located in all parts of the world, consult there the stored data packets and deliver a web page to the screen of the device. Next we will see what will happen in the course of this process and we will name some points through which the information passes: The first thing I am going to explain is the DNS service, when a user accesses a distributed Internet service using a URL, the domain name in the URL is translated to the IP address of a server that is close to the user. The key functionality of DNS exploited here is that different users can simultaneously receive different translations for the same domain name...

Introduction to IoT

  This article aims to be an introduction to IoT for all those people who, despite having heard about it, do not have a clear idea of what it is, for this purpose it tries to give an answer to all the questions raised and additionally concepts and acronyms are introduced. related to this theme.   What is IoT? The definition of IoT could be the grouping and interconnection of devices and objects through a network (be it private or the Internet, the network of networks), where all of them could be visible and interact. Regarding the type of objects or devices, they could be anything, from sensors and mechanical devices to everyday objects such as the refrigerator, footwear or clothing. Anything that can be imagined could be connected to the internet and interact without the need for human intervention, the goal is therefore a machine-to-machine interaction, or what is known as an M2M interaction (machine to machine) or M2M devices.   Why is IoT in fashion? What ap...

Principios de la Recursividad en Programacion

In programming there is such an important concept that can make our work easier, we talk about recursion. this concept is very dificult at first, but later, once you learn it, is very easy to apply and  it can solve varius prblems. What is recursividad in programming? The recursividad is a concept that start when method calls itself. We must take into account that when we call this method, hi that finish, otherwise is would be calling itself. We say the cicle is finit. We must be very careful when making recursive calls because if we use it without control we could overflow the computer's memory, causing the program to break. When to use recursion? We can use recursion that sustitute any kind bucle, but in the real actual work donot using a lot, bucause a mistake can be tragic for the momory, so how to have a big list with a millions data, can use a very cant of a memory. Even so can use recursion for seach algoritm and order. When is base case? The base case is a condition to the ...


As we make computer programs, we realize that some parts of the code are used in many of them. For example, we can have several programs that use complex numbers and the functions of addition, subtraction, etc. are common. It is also possible, for example, that we like to play games, and we realize that we are repeating the code over and over again to move an image (a little Martian or Lara Croft) across the screen. It would be great to be able to measure those functions in a separate directory from the concrete programs and have them already compiled, so that we can use them whenever we want. The huge advantages of this are:  - Not having to rewrite the code (or copy-paste).  - We will save the time of compiling each time that code that is already compiled. In addition, we already know that while we make a program, we test and correct, it is necessary to compile between many and "more many" times.  - The already compiled code will be tested and will be reliable. Not the ...


What is a library and what is it good for? A library is a collection of code routines (functions, classes, variables, and so on) that can be called upon when building our program, so instead of writing it ourselves, we can go and get it from something that has already been written and optimized. That is where the idea behind libraries comes from. We are reusing blocks of codes that have come from somewhere else. What is a static library and how does it work? A static library is a file containing a collection of object files (*.o) that are linked into the program during the linking phase of compilation and are not relevant during runtime. As shown in the diagram above, when a program is compiled, the compiler generates an object file from a source file. After generating the object file, the compiler also invokes the Linker. The role of the linker, in this case, is to copy the code of the library to our object file. Basically, static libraries are just a collection of object files that a...